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Bank of America x Boston Marathon "My Marathoner"

Boston Marathon charity runners need to raise a minimum of $5,000—the success of which often depends on the size and wealth of their personal networks.

Use Bank of America’s platform to highlight runners’ stories and inspire the Marathon community to donate to their causes.

 Creative team: Jeanie Caggiano (ECD), Sue DeSilva (ECD), Jessica Bergstresser (GCD/AD), Danny Streadbeck (GCD/CW), Mike Ward (CD/CW), Donna Foster (ACD/AD), Tyson Schmitt (ACD/AD), Vito Sabsay (ACD/AD), Mallory Backmann (Sr. AD), Jeff Norman (Sr. CW

Creative team: Jeanie Caggiano (ECD), Sue DeSilva (ECD), Jessica Bergstresser (GCD/AD), Danny Streadbeck (GCD/CW), Mike Ward (CD/CW), Donna Foster (ACD/AD), Tyson Schmitt (ACD/AD), Vito Sabsay (ACD/AD), Mallory Backmann (Sr. AD), Jeff Norman (Sr. CW), Enrike Grageda (CW), Nicole Gostek (CW), Miriam Rood (Jr. CW)